Women's Health Care Tailored to You

Menopause Care Plan
​​What you'll get with this plan:
Comprehensive menopause care for women who want an on-going holistic approach to their health by their medical team. This plan is personalized to you and can be modified as your needs change.
Initial 60 min visit and 2 visits of 30 min each, virtual or in-person, with a Board-Certified OB/GYN who specializes in menopause medicine to assess your progress and modify your treatment plan.
On-going evaluation and management of your symptoms
Review of your complete medical history
Multifactorial evaluation, including physical, psychological, and social factors
Blood tests and radiology imaging orders as needed
Evidence-based treatments, including menopause hormone therapy (MHT), as needed
Nutrition, sleep, exercise, mindfulness, sexual health, & stress management counseling
Prescription management
Access to your care team through the portal
Care plans are not typically reimbursable through insurance plans but are HSA/FSA eligible. Full payment is due at first appointment.
Postpartum Care Plan
​​What you'll get with this plan:
Comprehensive postpartum care for women who want an on-going holistic approach to their health by their medical team. This plan is personalized and can be modified as your needs change.
Initial 60 min visit & 2 biweekly visits up to 30 min each, virtual or in-person, with a Board-Certified OB/GYN to assess your progress and modify your treatment plan.
Review of complete medical history
Multi-factorial evaluation of signs & symptoms, including psychological & social factors
Blood test orders as needed
Evidence-based treatments and referrals, as needed
Access to your care team through the portal
Care plans are not typically reimbursable through most insurance plans and but are HSA/FSA eligible. Full payment is due at first appointment.
Sexual Health Care Plan
What you'll get with this plan
Comprehensive sexual health plan for women who want an on-going holistic approach to their health by their medical team. This plan is personalized and can be modified as your needs change.
Initial 60 min visit & 2 biweekly visits up to 30 min each, virtual or in-person, with a Board-Certified OB/GYN who specializes in women's sexual health to assess your progress and modify your treatment plan.
Multifactorial evaluation, including psychological and social factors such as depression or anxiety, fatigue, stress, lack of privacy, conflict within the relationship, partner performance, relationship duration, and prior physical or sexual abuse
Complete evaluation of vaginal health & pelvic floor
Blood tests and radiographic imaging orders as needed
Evidence-based treatments & referrals
Additional care as needed
Care Plans are not typically reimbursable through your insurance plans but are HSA/FSA eligible. Full payment is due at first appointment.
Infertility Counseling
​What to expect with this appointment:
60 minute visit (virtual or in-person) with a Board-Certified OB/GYN
Thorough fertility education for women/couples who feel that they haven't been given a full explanation of their issues, the process, and likely outcomes & complications
Evidence-based treatments & referrals
Additional care as needed
Appointments may be reimbursable through your insurance plans, but I am out-of-network for all policies. Appointments are HSA/FSA eligible. Payment is due at the time of the appointment.
Multiple studies have shown that acupuncture may offer relief from some of the most common menopausal, postpartum, and fertility symptoms.
Hot flashes and night sweats have been reduced by 50% in some studies.
Another study demonstrated that 75% of women reported improvements in sleep complaints following acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture also improves menopause, postpartum, and infertility-related psychological and somatic symptoms, as well as overall quality of life.